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9/29/2023 GracieHorse (from the album L.A. Shit
GracieHorse (from the album L.A. Shit available on Wharf Cat Records) (by Douglas DuPont)
What is Alt Country? Is it Country music given the ‘alternative’ signifier because it maybe wasn't released by a major label? Wouldn't that just be ‘underground’ Country? Or is Alt Country the space on the venn-diagram between Indie/Alternative Rock music and bonafide Country? For the intents and purposes of discussing GracieHorse's great new album, L.A. Shit, we'll say yes to that last query. Though recorded in Los Angeles, these songs were written under the vast and humbling Wyoming skies after traveling nurse Gracie suffered a debilitating and career-altering neck injury. L.A. Shit works because it doesn't waste time trying to be one genre or another, it just is what it is. GracieHorse knows that it takes more than Garage Rock bands reaching for the pedal steel and dobro to cut a Country record - you have to live it. A sultry vocal delivery further obscures the lines between Alt Rock and Alt Country. There is a healthy mix of both fast-paced and slower numbers throughout this über-interesting album. Some of the more downtempo movements here are extra-pungent on-account of the space given to Gracie's unique and pretty vocals. Certified barn-burners “Wake Up Slowly” and "By the Light of His White Stetson” would both feel right emanating from ‘the jukebox at the bar that your car broke down in front of’. All of the songs here have Alternative textures and Garage Rock sensibilities, but, as according to a press release, L.A. Shit is ‘as country as country can be [-] funny, heart breaking, brutal’. So, when it comes time to nitpick over sub-genres, remember the rule of thumb: if it's Country music, you'll know, 'cause you'll feel it. This leaves us with one final lingering question: is L.A Shit by GracieHorse an Alt Country or an Alt Rock record? The answer doesn't matter - what's important is that each song on G.H.'s debut LP for Wharf Cat Records is a winner worthy of your ears. (by Douglas DuPont) Listen and buy the music of GracieHorse from AMAZON For more information, please visit the GracieHorse website The Blog Tags widget will appear here on the published site.
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