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11/3/2023 Angus Gill (from the album Departure & Arrival
Angus Gill (from the album Departure & Arrival available on Rivershack Records) (by Lee Zimmerman)
It’s hard to understand how an artist with five previous albums to his credit, along with such obvious skill and ability, can still go relatively unnoticed by the public as a whole. Then again, at only 25 years of age, Australia’s Angus Gill has plenty to show for himself. An Australian CMA Golden Guitar winner, he boasts a sound that’s alluring, accessible and easy on the ears. As the title of his new album Departure & Arrival suggests he’s also unafraid to take a bold leap now and then. That’s typified by the fact that this current set of songs veers away from his earlier Americana sound and serves up in its stead, a more Pop-centric style. “You Wouldn’t Steal a Heart” and the title track in particular are upbeat and infectious, more or less setting the tone for the entire album overall. “Little Green Man” adds a touch of whimsy, while “Crying Out For Love” lends a Caribbean feel, sounding not unlike Paul Simon during a rendezvous with Julio down in the schoolyard. The easy affable sound of “Can’t Kiss You Over Coffee” maintains the agreeable feel that permeates the proceedings as a whole. The revelry continues for the most part, but Gill does take pause with the quiet ballad “Start Up the Old Dance Again”. The spoken word narrative that follows, “Something Fishy” shuffles along by taking a plucky posture, but a sense of mystery still looms large given its tale of a kidnapping and the victim’s mysterious disappearance. The album’s final entry, the Latin-tinged “I’m Just Gonna Grab a Sandwich” maintains that elusive aura, and ultimately leaves the listener wondering what Gill is getting at exactly. Still, even with the inexplicable meanings surrounding certain songs, Departure & Arrival manages to maintain a generally persuasive perspective. It’s mostly light-hearted entertainment, a sunny set of songs that leads to an enjoyable encounter. So too, given the series of perilous predicaments the world finds itself facing these days, any sort of distraction or diversion becomes reward in itself. (by Lee Zimmerman) Listen and buy the music of Angus Gill from AMAZON For more information, please visit the Angus Gill website The Blog Tags widget will appear here on the published site.
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